NEW Best choice! Hammock Hang Out Sound Journey 30th of March
Hammock Hang Out - Suspended Aerial Hammock Sound Journeywith Francesco on the Hang Drum Sunday 3


Best choice! Indigo Lily Organic Cotton Blanket
The Best Organic Blanket Premium quality These premium quality


Best choice!  Sunflower Yellow Organic Blanket
The Best Organic Blanket Premium quality These premium quality


Yogis Free Soap that is kind to the water

Yogis and different spiritualpaths


Our friend Uttrang Kaur Khalsa in her role asPink namaste envoy is out in India, sharing some of the Pink namaste charityfunds and sending us interviews and stories about some of the people and yogisshe is meeting along the way, their practises and inspirations- enjoy followingher on her journeys of discovery. We will be publishing a different articleeach week.










On our travels to feed the roots we visited a place called Bajainath which is a holy town where you can find :


* A famous Hindu temple (that mountain yogis visit from miles around)


 * One of the most prolific Buddhist Monasteries in the world named Sherbling which follow the world famous yogi the Milarepa


* A Sikh Gurdwara in the name of Guru Nanak who famously sheltered yogis and helped liberate them by creating a spiritual path for yogis residing in the world along side the people..


In this town there are various Rita Trees planted ( The Indian soap tree).

At some point a yogi planted these soap trees around town to provide free soap nuts for travelling yogis who might not be able to afford to buy soap or natural soapnuts from a shop.


Inspired - I copied their inspiration and donated lots of ritha seeds and Rita soap nuts to the local Ashrams and Gurdwaras.


Yogis today all meditate on the pollution they cause water. In scotland I met Tibetan yogis who like soapwort very much as a europeans alternative to soapnuts for good karma washing.




About Pink Namaste

We believe that we can be catalysts for change, doing what we love. It is time for new business models to replace the old.

Since 2004, Pink Namaste supports small cooperatives, fair trade and traditional art forms. We aim to use recycled and organic materials in our manufacture, wherever possible.

Completing the circle we support social and environmental projects in India. Up to date we have financed tailoring lessons for ladies near Mysore, training sessions in organic farming for tribal people in Karnataka, and are currently supporting the making of an organic garden farm near Mysore.
We believe that business can be fun,
creative and benefit everybody involved, from producers and managers through to customers.

Help us to grow the circle of love by enjoying our products, becoming our friend and telling people about us.

We live Yoga and we also organize Yoga workshops and fund-raising events.
